2022년 4월 19일 화요일

Support [Pixelstar Games]


- Pixelstar Games


- Email : [email protected]

- LINE ID : pixelstargames

- My number is: +821059491739


- Pungdeokcheon-ro 139 beon-gil, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do

2022년 3월 5일 토요일

How to Fix Android 12 Freezing Problem


How to Fix Android 12 Freezing Problem(Game)

1) Search Android System WebView in Google Store 2) delete the app 3) reinstall(update) the app 4) restart the phone
5) play game

2020년 2월 26일 수요일

[청약철회 안내]

[청약철회 안내]

①회원이 구매한 유료 서비스의 경우에는 청약 철회가 가능한 콘텐츠와 청약철회가 제한되는 콘텐츠로 구분되어 제공되며, 청약 철회가 가능한 콘텐츠는 계약 체결일 또는 유료 서비스 이용가능일로부터 7일 이내에 별도의 수수료 없이 청약철회(구매취소)를 할 수 있습니다. 단, 선물 및 이벤트 등 회사나 제3자로부터 무상으로 제공받은 유료 서비스, 청약철회 요청 당시 이미 사용하였거나 사용한 것으로 간주되는 유료 콘텐츠 등 이에 준하는 특성을 가진 일부 유료 서비스는 관련 법령에 따라 청약철회(구매취소) 가 제한될 수 있습니다. 이 경우 회사는 이용자가 해당 유료 서비스 구매 시 고지하는 등 관련 법령에서 정한 바에 따른 조치를 취하기로 합니다.

② 다음과 같은 경우 유료 서비스의 청약철회가 제한됩니다.
1. 구매 후 즉시 사용이 시작되거나 콘텐츠 및 서비스에 바로 적용되는 아이템의 경우
2. 콘텐츠 및 서비스의 정상적인 이용과정에서 결제 없이 획득한 아이템의 경우
3. 추가적인 혜택이 제공되는 아이템에서 이미 추가 혜택이 사용된 경우
4. 묶음 형으로 판매된 아이템의 일부가 사용된 경우
5. 개봉행위를 사용으로 볼 수 있거나 개봉시 효용이 결정되는 캡슐형/확률형 아이템의 경우
③ 이용자는 콘텐츠의 내용이 표시, 광고 내용과 다르거나 계약내용과 다르게 이행된 경우에는 당해 콘텐츠를 공급받은 날로부터 3월 이내, 그 사실을 안 날 또는 알 수 있었던 날로부터 30일 이내 청약 철회를 할 수 있습니다.
④ 청약철회 및 환불 접수는 회사가 정한 절차를 통해 신청해야 하며 회사는 접수 신청 내용이 정당한지 여부를 심사하고 이용하는 단말기나 가입통신사, 각 스토어 사업자의 환불 운영정책 및 절차에 다라 결제 확인 및 처리를 진행합니다. 심사를 통해 환불이 결정된 경우에는 환불 가능 잔액을 산출하여 환불수수료 10%를 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불합니다.
⑤ 미성년자가 유료서비스를 법정대리인의 동의 없이 결제한 경우 미성년자 또는 법정 대리인은 결제를 취소 할 수 있습니다. 단, 미성년자의 유료서비스 결제가 법정 대리인으로부터 처분을 허락 받은 재산의 범위 내인 경우 또는 미성년자가 사술 등을 사용하여 성년자로 믿게 한 경우에는 취소가 제한됩니다.유료 서비스 구매자가 미성년자인지 여부는 결제가 진행된 단말기, 결제 실행자 정보, 결제 수단 명의자 등의 근거기록을 토대로 판단됩니다.회사는 필요에 따라 미성년자 및 법정대리인을 증명할 수 있는 서류 제출을 요구 할 수 있습니다.
⑥ 단말기의 관리 책임은 회원에게 있으며, 이를 지인 또는 제3자가 이용하도록 하여서는 안됩니다. 단말기의 관리부실, 제 3자에게 이용을 승낙함으로 발생하는 결제에 대해 청약철회 및 환불은 불가능합니다.
⑦ 콘텐츠 다운로드 및 서비스 이용 중에 발생한 요금/통화료는 환불 대상에서 제외됩니다.
⑧ 현행법령 및 중대한 약관 위반 등 회원의 귀책사유로 이용계약을 해지하는 경우 환불이 제한될 수 있습니다.

▣청약철회의 효과
① 청약을 철회한 이용자는 회사로부터 제공받은 콘텐츠를 반환하며, 디지털 콘텐츠와 같이 반환하더라도 동일한 콘텐츠가 이용자에게 남아있는 경우에는 이를 삭제합니다.
② 회원의 귀책사유로 인한 청약철회 시 콘텐츠의 반환에 따른 비용은 회원이 부담하며, 회사의 귀책사유로 인한 청약철회시 콘텐츠의 반환에 따른 비용은 회사가 부답합니다.
③ 회사는 콘텐츠를 반환 받은 날로부터 3영업일 이내에 대금의 결제와 동일한 방법으로 대금을 환급하며, 동일한 방법으로 환급이 불가능할 때에는 회사에서 제시하는 방법으로 환급합니다.회사는 이용자의 청약철회의 의사표시를 받은 날로부터 3영업일 이내에 대금을 환급합니다.만약 3영업일 이내에 대금을 환급할 수 없을 경우 회사는 이에 대한 사유를 안내하여야 합니다.
④ 회사가 이용자에게 대금의 환급을 지연한 때에는 그 지연기간에 대하여 연20%의 지연이자율을 곱하여 산정한 지연이자(이하 지연 배상금이라고 한다) 를 지급합니다.
⑤ 회사가 회원의 귀책사유로 인한 청약철회 요청으로 환급할 경우에는 이용자가 콘텐츠의 이용으로부터 얻은 이익(보너스 획득량)에 해당하는 금액을 공제하고 환급할 수 있습니다.
⑥ 회사는 회사의 귀책사유로 인한 청약철회 시에는 대금을 환급함에 있어서 대금 결제와 동일한 방법으로 환급합니다.단 마켓 사업자로 인해 이를 시행하기 어려울 경우, 마켓사업자의 정책에 따릅니다.

2017년 9월 7일 목요일

Privacy Policy (Engish)

Pixelstar games. (hereinafter referred to as the company) takes the protection of its users’ privacy seriously and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. This how your personal information is used under our privacy policy, and what measures are taken for privacy protection.  The table of contents of this privacy policy is as follows.  1. Items of personal information to collect and the method thereof 2. Collection of personal information and intended purpose 3. Sharing and provision of personal information 4. Delegation of authority to handle personal information 5. Retention and use period of personal information 6. Procedures and method for disposal of personal information 7. Rights of a user and his or her legal representative, and method of exercising the rights 8. Issues related to the installation, operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection equipment 9. Measures for the protection of personal information in technical/administrative terms 10. Civil complaint service about personal information 11. Other 12. Notification obligation  1. Items of personal information to collect and the method thereof  (1) Items of personal information to collect ① The company collects the following personal information at the time of signing up or using the service to ensure seamless member registration, customer service and various services. – Required information: email address, mobile phone number – Optional information: date of birth, gender ② For services that lack separate consent procedures for the process in Paragraph 1 above, neither required information nor optional information is not collected. ③ The following information may be generated and collected in the process of service use or business handling. – Information of the user’s mobile phone terminal (model name, OS version, mobile firmware version, device identification number, etc.), IP address, cookie, the latest access location – Records at the time of using location-based services – Access time, service use record, faulty use record, etc. ④ When information is unavoidably required for the payment in the course of using free/paid service – Credit card information, wireless carrier information, purchase record and gift card number and/or other payment related information are collected  ⑤ When the user requests the restoration or refund of paid contents – Email address, purchase record and additional personal information such as the real name and family relations evidence to demonstrate that the purchase was made by a third party are collected.
(2) Personal information collection method: The company collects the personal information of users through the following methods. – Through the agreement procedures at the time of signing up for the service provided by the company – Via separate consent procedures for promotions and events – Automatically through platforms in partnership with the company with regard to the provision of services – When provided by the users in a voluntary manner or in response to the company’s request where necessary at the time of subscribing or using the service  2. Collection of personal information and intended purpose  (1) The company uses the personal information of users collected for the following purposes. 1) To secure communication channels to facilitate the delivery of notifications or the handling of customer complaints 2) To handle inquiries about the use of paid information, handle conflicts related to the implementation of contract requirements and obligations, and provide customer services 3) To introduce new services as well as new product launch event information 4) To provide other contents and authentication service (find my ID/Password, etc.)  3. Sharing and provision of personal information  (1) Except for cases with the user’s consent or provisions specified in the related laws and regulations, the company will never use the personal information of users beyond the scope of the intended use specified in the “Collection of personal information and intended purpose,” or provide such information to other companies, organizations or institutions. (2) When sharing or providing the personal information of users, for example when the provision of users’ personal information within a limited scope is necessary to provide various services to users through partnership with other service providers or business operators, users will be notified of who will receive or share users’ personal information, what the main business is, what items in the personal information will be provided or shared, for what purposes users’ personal information is to be provided or shared, etc. through a notice on the home page of the Pixelstar games website (https://pixelstargames.blogspot.kr), a notice in the application or through a message to users at least 10 days prior to the implementation to obtain consent from users. (3) In the following cases, provision of a user’s personal information without consent from the applicable user is allowed pursuant to the related laws and regulations. 1) When such information is required to collect fees for the provision of service(s) 2) When the provision of a user’s personal information is necessary for statistics, academic or market research purposes, and the personal information provided is processed to ensure that the identification of the user is not possible
3) When there has been a request from related authorities for investigation purposes in accordance with related laws and regulations 4) When special provisions are specified in the Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Confidentiality, the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act, the Electronic Communication Fundamental Law, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Local Tax Act, the Consumer Protection Act, the Bank of Korea Act and the Code of Criminal Procedures  4. Delegation of authority to handle personal information  The company may delegate the authority to control the personal information of users to ensure the implementation of service(s). In case of delegation, the company specifies requirements to ensure the safe control of the personal information of users in accordance with the related laws and regulations.  5. Retention and use period of personal information  (1) In principle, the company retains a user’s personal information from the member registration to the termination of membership. If the applicable user withdraws his or her membership or the intended purpose of the collection and use of personal information is achieved, the applicable personal information is disposed of immediately. However, the company will retain the user’s personal information for 3 months from the date on which the membership of the applicable user is terminated according to the terms and conditions as well as internal policy to prevent the illegal use of such information. After the aforementioned period, the personal information of the user is completely deleted. (2) If the personal information of a user must be retained pursuant to the provision(s) of Commercial Act or other related laws even if the purpose of its collection has been achieved, or if there is a reason for retaining such personal information according to the company’s internal policy or other related regulations, the company shall retain the personal information of the user for a certain period of time prescribed by related laws and regulations. In this case, the personal information retained will be used only for retention purposes, and the retention periods are as follows: – Records related to contract or cancellation of subscription (Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in the Electronic Transactions, Etc., Retention period: 5 years) – Records on payments and supply of goods (Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in the Electronic Transactions, Etc., Retention period: 5 years) – Records on handling of consumer complaints and conflicts (Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in the Electronic Transactions, Etc., Retention period: 3 years) – Records on identification (Reason for retention: Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc., Retention period: 6 months) – Visiting records: access logs, service use records, etc. (Reason for retention: Protection of Communications Secrets Act, Retention period: 3 months)
(3) For personal information that is retained pursuant to Paragraph (2) above, if the subject of the applicable personal information requests the retrieval of his or her personal information, the company will provide an appropriate measure to enable such retrieval immediately.  6. Procedures and method for the disposal of personal information  When the purpose of the collection or use of personal information has been achieved, the company will in principle destroy the applicable information immediately. The method and procedures for destroying personal information are as follows. (1) Destruction procedures – The information of a member input by the member at the time of signing up will be destroyed after the purpose of its collection or use has been achieved after being retained for a certain period of time according to the reason(s) for information protection pursuant to the company’s internal policy or other related laws and regulations (refer to the periods of retention and/or use of personal information). – Personal information will not be used for purposes other than the intended purpose except in the cases specified in the laws and regulations. (2) Destruction method – Personal information saved in an electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that disables the recovery of the record. – Personal information output on paper shall be shredded or incinerated.  7. Rights of a user and his or her legal representative, and method of exercising the rights  (1) The rights can be exercised when the request is received through the platform in partnership with the company related to the provision of services, or when the request is submitted directly via the company’s website. (2) The user and his or her legal representative may retrieve or adjust his or her own personal information or that of an adolescent below the age of 14 years for which he or she is responsible, and may request the cancellation of the subscription at any time. (3) The adjustment of personal information of the user’s own personal information or that of an adolescent below the age of 14 years for which he or she is responsible can be performed on the personal information change page (or Modify My Profile), while the cancellation of subscription (cancellation of consent) can be performed on the home page of the Pixelstar games website (https://pixelstargames.blogspot.kr) after the identification process. (4) Alternatively, the person in charge of privacy policy may be contacted via phone, email or through a written request to prompt a necessary action immediately. (5) If the user requests the correction of errors in the personal information, the applicable personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, when incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, corrected information will be delivered to the third party without delay. (6) The company handles personal information that has been closed or deleted in response to the request from the user or his or her legal

Privacy Policy (Korean)

개정일자 : 2022년 10월 06일
픽셀스타 게임즈 개인정보 처리방침
'픽셀스타 게임즈'(이하 “회사”라 한다)는 이용자가 홈페이지 및 모바일 게임 서비스를 안전하게 이용할 수 있도록 「개인정보 보호법」 제30조에 따라 개인정보 처리에 관한 절차 및 기준을 안내하고, 이와 관련한 고충을 신속하고 원활하게 처리할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 다음과 같이 개인정보 처리방침을 수립ㆍ공개합니다.
본 개인정보 처리방침은 관계 법령 및 지침의 변경이나 회사의 내부 방침 변경 등으로 인하여 변경될 수 있습니다.  
■ 수집하는 개인정보 항목
회사는 서비스 이용, 욕설 회원 차단 등등을 위해 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
ο 수집항목 : 외부 플랫폼 ID (Google Play Game Service ID)
ο 개인정보 수집방법 : 게임 접속 시 구글플레이 연결

■ 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
 회사는 수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
 ο 회원 관리

■ 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간 
회사가 수집하는 정보의 경우, 구글 플레이에서 사용되는 것으로 모든 정보는 회사가 아닌 구글 플레이에서
보유하고 있습니다. 
보존 항목 : Google Play Game Service ID

■ 개인정보의 파기절차 및 방법
Google Play Game Service ID는 해당 유저가 구글계정 삭제 시 자동으로 파기되며 동시에 게임에 연결되어있는 계정 또한 자동으로 삭제처리 됩니다.
ο 파기방법
   - 구글 계정을 탈퇴합니다.

■ 개인정보 제공
회사는 이용자의 개인정보를 원칙적으로 외부에 제공하지 않습니다. 다만, 아래의 경우에는 예외로 합니다.
- 법령의 규정에 의거하거나, 수사 목적으로 법령에 정해진 절차와 방법에 따라 수사기관의 요구가 있는 경우

■ 수집한 개인정보의 위탁
회사는 고객님의 동의없이 고객님의 정보를 외부 업체에 위탁하지 않습니다. 향후 그러한 필요가 생길 경우, 위탁 대상자와 위탁 업무 내용에 대해 고객님에게 통지하고 필요한 경우 사전 동의를 받도록 하겠습니다.

■ 이용자 및 법정대리인의 권리와 그 행사방법 
이용자 및 법정 대리인은 언제든지 등록되어 있는 자신 혹은 당해 만 14세 미만
아동의 개인정보를 조회하거나 수정할 수 있으며 가입해지를 요청할 수도 있습니다.
이용자 혹은 만 14세 미만 아동의 개인정보 조회 및 수정을 위해서는 ‘개인정보변
경’(또는 ‘회원정보수정’ 등)을 가입해지(동의철회)를 위해서는 “회원탈퇴”를 클릭
하여 본인 확인 절차를 거치신 후 직접 열람, 정정 또는 탈퇴가 가능합니다.
혹은 개인정보관리책임자에게 서면, 전화 또는 이메일로 연락하시면 지체없이 조치하겠습니다.
귀하가 개인정보의 오류에 대한 정정을 요청하신 경우에는 정정을 완료하기 전까
지 당해 개인정보를 이용 또는 제공하지 않습니다. 또한 잘못된 개인정보를 제3자
에게 이미 제공한 경우에는 정정 처리결과를 제3자에게 지체없이 통지하여 정정이 이루어지도록 하겠습니다.
이용자 혹은 법정 대리인의 요청에 의해 해지 또는 삭제된 개인정보는
수집하는 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간에 명시된 바에 따라 처리하고 그 외의
용도로 열람 또는 이용할 수 없도록 처리하고 있습니다.

■ 개인정보 자동수집 장치의 설치, 운영 및 그 거부에 관한 사항
① 회사는 이용자의 이용정보를 저장하고 수시로 불러오는 ‘쿠키(Cookie)’를 사용하지 않습니다.
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고지의 의무
현 개인정보취급방침의 내용 추가, 삭제 및 수정이 있을 시에는 시행일자 최소 7일전부터 회사 홈페이지나, 애플리케이션 내를 통해 공고할
공고일자: 2022년 10월 06일
시행일자: 2017년 10월 13일

2016년 12월 8일 목요일


Game Terms and Conditions

Article 1 of the purpose.
These terms and conditions shall be pixelstar all via the smart devices to offer gaming services and service user to access websites, and other general services (less than service ‘ ’) (or less.‘users’) service between the company stipulating the required rights, duties and responsibilities, and other matters on the purpose.

Article 2 of the definition.
1) The terms used in these terms and conditions. are defined as follows :

‘users’ box, agree that the company in these terms and conditions using all the games and all services provided by the man speak (members and non-members).
‘content’ box, through smart devices available to all gaming and network services, applications, game money and game items provided by the company.Services related to speak all digitally produced content.
‘smart appliances’ the content available through the network or to download or install pc, tablets, smartphones, tablets, tablets and portable.Game consoles and console game consoles, Smart tv's network to use the device says.
‘applications’ means services provided by the company via smart devices to speak all programs you use to download or install.
‘user information’ means users entered during service information, etc., including information on users ’ service and general information, character, experience, experience and more.Games, including information says.
Application items within the ‘(- app in purchase) payment - app in’ box, speak, features, premium content such as payment for purchasing behaviors.
Iran ‘Item - app in’ - in app payment users can be purchased through the items, games, game money and so forth.

2) The terms used in these terms and conditions. The definition of this Article, except those defined under paragraph 1 of the relevant laws by decree in. Not specified in legislation that is by general business customs.

Article 3 of the validity of terms and conditions and changes.
1). The secrecy of their service contract between the terms and conditions of these terms and conditions specified within the application for the company's website or service and user applications.Install and run and go into effect at the same time.
2) and the relevant laws or company may amend these terms and conditions in the range that does not in violation of the commercial practice.
3) The pertinent statutes or users ’ rights and obligations, changes in services company, you can change this agreement in order to improve. The company is modified if the modified by what the content and application of terms and conditions, terms and conditions than seven days before the date of application (However, the matters of a significant impact on users ’ rights and obligations.Of 30 days ago) company's Web site, or formal cafe, provided notice to users through the applications and to go into effect from the date of application.
4) users. There are different terms about the right to refuse. About the change in these terms and conditions its users with service and access to terminate a contract can be (Membership Withdrawal).

The company has modified public disclosure, terms and conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph or doctor if you don't have intentions of the users by notice period has been expressed to see what it means.Clearly separate regulatory filing, or even notices that users user if not explicitly expressed its intention to refuse to agree with the different terms to.To be.

About the outside of the jurisdiction Article 4 of the rules.
These Terms and Conditions. 1) of the individual services provided by the company about matters not provided for in this separate policy, and with separate terms and conditions or policy can.Terms and Policies, and under relevant laws or commercial practices established by the government.

Article 5 of service contract.
This is 1) The number of customers is the service contract terms and conditions for consent for or using games or download your content using the network of the Company herein.Agree to.
2) logout, applications if users don't agree with, and deleting user it may be withdrawn.

Article 6 of the protection and use of personal information.
1) and the relevant laws as the company, trying to protect users ’ personally identifiable information about privacy protection and use of the pertinent statutes or the company's.According to the privacy statement. However, the company about do not provide services and applications in the company's privacy statement does not apply.

2) service users nickname, and in accordance with the nature of the photos were made public to introduce yourself, you can.
3) (use) users why, if necessary, to identify the company posting the user's ID card may require copies or equivalent in biophysical science policy. An unannounced basis the companies can not be used for other purposes other than digging, and the end without delay.
4) If the relevant national institutions by the relevant laws such as the request of a company except for the users ’ personally identifiable information will not give any third parties without their acceptance.

Article 7 of the personal information management and change.
In good faith of their personal information for the use of this service, users must be managed and should change it if there are changes to the personal information. The loss was incurred, and member's privacy changes are delayed or missing user's responsibility to make it.

Article 8, the duty of the employer.
1) the prohibition of relevant laws and this agreement to the company to provide continuous and reliable services, and efforts to do my best.
2). The company security I'll do my best to the obligations to protect your privacy.
3), company has a justified objective suggestions or complaints raised by the users as if through the proper procedures for shall be treated immediately. If you can not is treated immediately, however, the user to the cause and schedule shall be notified.

Article 9 of the user of duty.
1) users is set forth in these terms and conditions and regulations set by other companies have, the notice must be a challenge for the company. In addition, users are interfering in the work of the corporate actions, should not be on the line to affect the company's reputation.
2) user must comply with the pertinent statutes, including the Youth Protection Act. Users relevant law, such as the Youth Protection Act violation is punished in accordance with applicable law, if the President.
3) operating activities using the service without prior consent of the company using., can not be the users shall be responsible for the results of operations. In addition, companies operating activities such as these users user damages for the company to suffer, the company and the obligation to services for users.Legitimate and limit damages through the following procedures and so forth and so on can be claimed.
4) the user belongs to the user, which is a supervisory responsibility on the id to use third party should not be exceeded.
5) corresponding to the user is following actions should not be exceeded, and that act if the company is limiting users ’ service, relevant information (text, images and video.Clear, etc.) and can impose usage restrictions, including legal action. He also caused by problems of the user shall be responsible for.
기망하다 deceive the others, or a variety of applications, registration, registration, the contents of the false registration ;
An act of another person's steal information.
Without the right to special from the company or change the company's program, the company's servers or hacking a website or a whole or in part by the published information.Abnormal manner or at random, the Company's services ; 
Taking advantage of the bug in a program the company.
Act to normal, cyber asset acquisition, sale or transfer the (id, their characters and items, game money, etc.) way, O LORD.
Inhibit service deliberately to harm or services ; 
Young using the service without prior consent of the company ; to eopwaldong 
This service company's information obtained through the cloning for purposes outside the service without prior consent, using it the publishing and broadcasting, or to third parties.Provided by the act
Infringe the patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights of others that transfer, to disseminate to others in a way of the publication or other activities.
Low speed that is against the law or the Juvenile Protection Act, sentences, graphics, sound and video transmission, publishing or other information of pornographic content, by means of spreading to other people ;
Come on others ' reputation is deeply on offensive or personally identifiable information, publishing or other method of transferring the content that can violate the privacy of others.An act of distribution
Harassment or threat to other users, or to constant pain or discomfort for specific user action.
The company's other users without the approval of collection or storage of personal information.
Crime and objectively considered to be matched ;
Acts against other related statutes.

Article 10 of the provision of services.
1) users download games of these terms and conditions for consent or company or using up your content using the network service at the time of a contract is awarded.To. In the case of some services, however, in accordance with the needs of the company can commence its service to a user from the specified date.
2) The company can provide services to the game, and gaming services, including other additional service being set in these terms and conditions in.You can provide services together.
The company, 3) distinguish the rank of the time, services offered and refines the scope of the use of services offered by the differential in the number two.

Article 11 of the service.
1) The company is dedicated application for smart devices or services using the network, download and install the applications or users, and in the world.Available for purchase or for free using the network services.
2). In the case of paid services shall pay a fee set out in the service available and download applications or services over the network.If you subscribe to mobile network operators can be set forth in a separate charges.
3) download and install applications or network service available via a smart devices in the case of services or to suit the characteristics of mobile network operators.In the case of smart appliances, number of the change and international roaming and content, all or part of the function and can't have any responsibility In such instances, the company.Not to burden.
4) business or company is an extraordinary situation 24x7 Used 24 hours a day for as long as there are no services in principle. However, the regular system checkup, extension or replacement of its servers, operational, including the addition of new game content, new patch, new services to the replacement, if necessary, a period of time.In such cases, and to temporary stress on service for a company website or application within the time and the content of notice. However, the company in advance of unavoidable reasons that can not be notified to the post if you can.

Article 12 of the change and stopping services.
1) according to the operational or technical needs of the company provides services that can be changed. Its content and service to change the schedule date the company's website or application users through prior notice. However, the company can not be the advance notification when a fatal bug, server failure, be notified to the emergency security problem if there are compelling circumstances, such as death.I have it.
2) The company has service planning, operational or discontinue all its services by the desperate situation of the company homepage or applications that need to be.Informs the result and you can to stop its services. The user disruption for the delivery of services or service available to the paid service is not required to have more than damage due to extra damage.You can not to file a claim.
3) ; or to limit all or part of the company, if applicable, under any of the following services can stop.
State of emergency or war, war, and/or damages incurred, such as force majeure, if there is a reason.
Power failure, failure of all facilities or sudden increase of normal if there is a disruption in service.
Unavoidable due to construction and maintenance of the service equipment ..
If you can not do under all circumstances of the company services.
4) change and stopping services. The company is not responsible when it comes to the problems with.

Article 13 of the limited service.
1) The company is in the service, and violations of the contents of Article 9 of the terms of this case without prior notification can limit the use of the services.

Article 14 the provision of information and advertisements.
1) ads for this to maintain services company, and users can be subjected in such use of the services agree about the advertisements.
2) provided by the company, paragraph 1, on whose behalf of third party advertising to users or by contact or transactions involved in the company about the loss and loss.Does not assume any responsibility.
For the company is introducing services for users and service improvements ; 3) from individual users for such purposes may require additional information about users for the East, and requests.May refuse to provide additional information by consent.
4). The company using personal information collected by the users under the informed consent of the advertising and information of paragraph 3 of paragraph 1. If sms (lms), smartphone.(Notify push) notifications, Leverage mail e can route, and may refuse to receive at any time if users don't want.
5) The above information and advertising company providing platform for operators, with respect to information and relevant laws and comply with the terms and conditions of the company and terms and conditions of the app store operators.May be obtained in the enforcement ordinance.

Article 15 of the usage and attribution of copyright restrictions.
1). The company has copyrights and other intellectual property rights in works created by the company belongs to.
Posting on the user in the service posts ; 2) The copyright of the copyright holders and belongs to the author.
3) user information he or she acquires while using the services company using for-profit or to third parties without their consent can not.
4) which posted on the user in the service posts is the search results and the promotion and related services for vulnerable, and the exposure required within the confines.You can post to be some modification, cloning, edit. In this case, the company has copyright law shall be complied with the content of the customer center or at any time, and users in service management capabilities for the post, and search.You can take steps, the private, but results.
5) The company's post was a matter of third-party intellectual property rights, and to raise objections and significant reasons, without advance notice if it deems it.You can not delete or refuse registration, and postings about the stoppage of publication due to alleged infringement of copyrights or other rights according to relevant laws and the Copyright Act.

Article 16 user's posts.
1), losses due to user's posts from individual users and problem is in charge and for the companies not liable.
2). The company is a specific post is considered that the defamation and invasion of privacy, ‘ for the data without advance notice to the publisher of the related posts or temporary.After that, and take action ’ and pertinent statutes or the company's policy in accordance with the agreement between the Parties to the deletion of this or can be restored.

Article 17 premium content purchasing, use of terms and use.
1) users use the services payments paid in accordance with the basic operation policy of each app store operator in accordance with the kind of smart devices and purchased the content, that.The difference in amount due to differences in payment policies can occur. In addition, premium content providers associated with mobile operator app store is the purchase price and platform providers and ways set by the operator app stores and imposed in accordance with policy.Payment method the business owner's policy, too.
2) within the game service users purchasing premium content only available on smart devices to download or install the game service applications.I have it.
3) With the purchase, and After this period one year period, the use of paid contents are basically used for the premium content will lose their use for. However, the use of purchase according to the period specified in the event of the case of premium content specified separately. The user shall be notified separately by the company accessed paid content on a method other than that available only on their account, and a rental, purchase and sale, transfer to third parties.There isn't.

Article 18 of payment.
1). The company's application for the item purchases - app in in - and to include the function of payment app.
2) user setting a password for the functioning of the smart devices, as provided in open market using password settings, which, should prevent, and a third party payment - app inThe Korea Communications Commission's recommendations for companies and authentication procedures provided by the open market are applied in accordance with ‘Guidelines for the open market mobile content payments’.Apply module, library and more applications for payment - app in.
3) users are not using smart gadgets and setting a password for the functions of the open market or careless exposure generated by third party for payment - app in.The company is not assume any responsibility.
4) users mobile network operators in the juvenile to join the rate in the smart devices, when in - that there is the consent of the the legal representative to the payment app.To be.
5) responsible for payment shall be paid in good faith payment users is - app in.
6), the Company's policies and payment of (open market and mobile network operators, application store, etc.) in the form of payment by each payment method in accordance with policy, information policy limit is.Assign or can be adjusted.

19 for withdrawal and refund payment of purchase.
In the case of premium content users purchased. 1) signing of contracts, or premium content available from the date for withdrawal (Purchase of) without extra commission within seven days.I can do it. However, provided free of charge, paid from the event and gift company or third-party content, and for withdrawal of the request that already considered to be used, or use at the time.Equivalent in biophysical science properties, including premium content, some premium content for those laws and regulations (electronic commerce consumer protection in Article 17, paragraph 2 of the Act on the No. 2.Or online digital content and No. 3 of the Ministry of Industry Development Act Article 16 second) application in accordance with the withdrawal of (Purchase of) is limited. In this case, the company that notice when purchasing premium content defined by the relevant laws, such as to take action according to the bar.
2) if the following premium content of that withdrawal is limited, for a withdrawal of the subscription company has limited application before the withdrawal of payment for premium content is limited.Mark.
For items that apply to immediately start using immediately after purchase or application.
In the case of applications obtained without payment to normal use of items.
When such additional benefits will be used in a further benefit is being offered items.
Used is part of the items sold in batches.
On its opening act of utility is determined when opened or can be seen as the capsule type / item of the probability of type.
3) refunds using the service and smart device operating systems, according to the type of refund and according to the operation policy of each app store operators, application for a refund.The procedure for the notice on its Web site to the Company. In addition, in accordance with the return for a refund paid content is reflected by the deducted amount withdrawn in the game.
4) actual purchase amount through the payment of which are accounted for because they were normal users of game service without compensation or acquisition, the company's internal events.External content is not return. not paid through the partnership events, etc.
5) withdrawal of the application process and to demand a refund, if separate privacy agreement process through customer service center company. 
After the company's purchase details by platform operators and, in this process, or to purchases from the App Store following procedures to verify the details.The executive management team. Of users at the company is in this process legitimate reason for the withdrawal of the information received from users, when required to confirm the requested to contact users the exact truthOK, can do, and additional evidence may require.
6) the applications sold in the paid content payment without the consent of the legal representative when you're underage, minor or legal representative can cancel the payments.I have it. However, the payments were paid content in the minors allowed a disposition of property of minors within or from a legal representative is believe as a man's estate by using the black arts, etc.When a cancellation is limited. Smart appliances, premium content purchases by payment processing is whether minors or judged based on credit card payment method, such as holder of right. If you request the payment by minors, the company's legal representative and minors as necessary to prove and other documents should be submitted.
7) payment through the application is according to the payment method provided by the open market operators. Therefore, in the payment process gwaogeum occurs, in principle, open market operators should ask for reimbursement. However, if possible according to the open market operator's policy, system company needs open market operators may ask for the implementation of the refund procedure.
8) function achieved through its paid content to a payment for premium content purchased on the defective payment cancellation, in principle, except in the case.Flaw of premium content, and refund not only refund is to send gifts due to possible.
9). The company received relevant documents required for a refund from the users as much as possible from the date as soon as possible as soon as possible to complete the effort to get a refund.
10). If users to switch to a free content via the premium content to reveal his intention to judge, can be used wholly or in part due to the game.The company even when it could have been tampered with basic unit that can be purchased within the service to reveal his intention to use the judgment. In addition, premium content, such as gift box and the message that co-ordinates the sending/receiving of case through the consent of the process, including acceptance on the screen, this is associated with the users to reveal his intention to use.To judge. One's head of the purpose and different applicable, including when purchased through the others.

Article 20 of the refund of the error.
1). The company's intentional or unintentional occurrence, is a cause attributable to gwaogeum gwaogeum on users who access. However, the user's malice or a cause attributable to gwaogeum to return, the company gwaogeum The cost to users in a reasonable extent.Make a burden.
2) settlement through the application is according to the payment method provided by the open market operators. Therefore, in the payment process gwaogeum occurs, in principle, open market operators should ask for reimbursement. However, if possible according to the open market operator's policy, system company needs open market operators may ask for the implementation of the refund procedure.
3) Download apps or network service generated using the cost (The bill, and data calls) is excluded from the refund, you can.

Article 21 of termination of contracts and service suspensions.
1) the service at any time users may terminate a contract by membership, unless you want. Opt out is immediately and has users in the event of withdrawal from the content information will be deleted and that recovery was impossible.
2) users if they commit acts corresponding to the following reason. or terminate the service contract period set can stop using the service.
If you have registered a Service application in the event of false information.
If you sabotaged the service operations.
If other people's ID and password theft services.
Hinder the stable operation of services for the purpose of transferring a large amount of information or advertising to transfer information.
If computer viruses that cause damage to companies and users to disseminate the program.
Against the other service policy matters.
Service contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 3) the right to terminate or when users downloaded content can not, purchase payments and paid content.Fixed monthly service fees and data calls, not refundable.

Article 22 of damages.
1) users with regard to use a free service provided by the company liable for any damage that occurred not. However, the company due to a cause attributable to the user if it is compensate for losses.
2). The company provides individual users and service provider partnership agreements with individual service in after users to accept the Terms of the individual service.If damage occurs due to a cause attributable to the individual service providers for loss and/or damages related to individual service providers are responsible.
3) user using the service in illegal activities conducted by or violation of these terms and conditions due to a claim for damages from third party other than the company by users or.The case, if an appeal by the users by immunity should be the company to his responsibilities and costs and, if companies are not indemnified by.The users due to him for all damage caused to the company responsible for.

Article 23 of exemption from liability.
1) The company is a natural disaster or force majeure similar to it If you can not provide services to deliver the service is exempt from responsibility for.
2) repair, replacement of equipment service company, regular inspection or cabling work is exempt from responsibility for the inevitable reasons, such as those incurred losses.
3) are all problems caused by smart device landscape company or company gwichaek of the reasons for about the problems caused by network conditions.Not.
4), disability, or contract termination or suspension of service due to a cause attributable to the use of a company about to not be responsible.
5) The company has published information, data relating to services, in fact, such as reliability, accuracy of the contents not be responsible about.
6). The company is getting users by changing his or her own personal information (including account), including disadvantaged and not liable all about memory loss.
. 7) The mutual services between the third party users or between a user and to intervene in disputes arising in the medium, which were not obliged to redress the harm caused.No liability.
8). Under the conditions of service provided free of charge unless laws with regard to the special provisions are not liable.
9) The company is not to expect profit or loss using the service for no liability.
The company, 10) the personal information or incorrectly to the address and mail e migijae if damages occur and not liability for.
11) The company acquired by using the service game, game money, loss experience, rating, and items about the company's negligence in the case.Other than responsible and haa.

24 of the applicable laws and jurisdiction.
1). has relevant laws that are not specified in this Agreement shall be set forth in applicable regulations.
If lawsuits are filed about the conflicts that occurred in service. 2) according to the procedure prescribed by law as referred to a court.
3), with regard to services for disputes arising between the company and the users between the parties, should be resolved peacefully by the agreement.

This agreement is implemented from September 21, 2015.