When you register on this website or use services on the site, we collect some personal information directly from you, typically just your e-mail address. If you purchase merchandise, a classified ad or sign up for a Stranger Personals membership, we may also ask for your payment information, your physical address, phone number, date of birth, and/or gender. The privacy policy below explains how we deal with your information.

This website uses Google Analytics for traffic analysis, and has enabled that service's "Demographics and Interest" reports, which enables Google Analytics to collect data about our traffic via Google advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers, in addition to data collected through a standard Google Analytics implementation. This data does not contain personally identifiable information about our visitors and the information collected is never merged with registered users' information in our system. There are various publicly available ways to opt-out of this kind of tracking, including Google's analytics opt-out tool.

We may use other anonymous traffic analysis services as well.

We won't provide your information to other third parties without your consent, unless...

In any of these cases, we would provide information only to the extent that the situation demands, and never for marketing purposes or other commercial use.

Information provided in public areas of the site

You should be aware that if you voluntarily disclose personal information online in a publicly accessible part of the website, that information could be collected and used by others. We do not control the actions of our visitors and registered users. If you disclose personal information in a comment, review, forum, on your profile page, or any other publicly accessible place on this website, you do so at your own risk and you should understand that your information may be collected and used by others to send you unsolicited messages or advertisements, or for other purposes.

E-mail from The Stranger

The most common way for The Stranger to communicate with you is through e-mail. Most of our online services use e-mail notification to provide you with information necessary to complete your posting or task. We also occasionally send out information about our website or newspaper. If you would like to stop receiving automated e-mails from us, simply reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. If you change your mind, you can resubscribe on the "Promotions" section of the website.


This site is not for children. If you are under 16, please leave this site immediately. This site contains boring, grownup junk that you probably aren't interested in anyway, like discussions of downtown building-height limits. If you're a guardian of someone under 16, you should know that some content on this site and linked sites is intended for mature audiences only. Please control the children under your charge. Please keep them away from our site. It's your responsibility. If they start talking about zoning laws with other children, that's your responsibility.


We have no control or authority over the content or privacy policies of sites that are linked to on this site. Please understand that you follow links at your own risk.

How to contact us:

The Stranger
800 Maynard Ave S
Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98134
[email protected]

Changes to this policy

The Stranger reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of our site following the posting of changes to these terms means you accept those changes. Information collected prior to the time any change is posted will be used according to the rules and laws that applied at the time the information was collected.