Privacy Policy

How to contact us:

If you have any questions regarding personal information, feel free to contact us via email: [email protected]
Address of the company (controller):
    Volker Sundrum
    Blomenacker 6
    46342 Velen

Which personlal data we collect:

    - Information about your device, such as device type and model, network provider, browser type, language.
    - Information about the Property, such as package name, key words, version.
    - Information about your operation system, such as Android, iOS.
    - Information about your mobile advertising identifiers, such as your Advertising ID (Apple IDFA or Google AAID).
    - Information provided by your device, such as device IP address, network connection type and device GPS location (only if you provide permission).
    - Information that we may receive from Supply Partners, such as your age, gender, zip code, GPS location.
    - Information that we may receive from Third Parties about you from sources other than the Property, such as non-precise device location based on IP address, device specifications and User’s interests.

Why we collect your personal data:

    - to provide the Services,
    - to enable and optimize the Services’ tools and features,
    - to study and analyze the functionality of the Services, Customers’ and Users’ activities,
    - to provide support,
    - to measure the Services’ activity for pricing purposes,
    - to maintain the Services,
    - to improve the Services and to continue developing the Services,
    - to verify and conform payments

Sharing Personal information with others:

We may share personal information for the following purposes:
Share it with its trusted Demand Partners:
    - For the purpose of serving you with contextual and/or targeted ads that are relevant to you and may interest you.
    - For ad reporting purposes and for Demand Partners to have information about the performance of their ad campaigns and improve their ads performance over time.

Share it with Supply Partners:
    - To help them understand how Users are engaging with ads, what kind of Users are most engaging with certain types of ads on their Property, and what kind of ads are published on their Property;

Share it with Third Parties:
    - To receive additional data on you from sources other than the Property in order to help analyze and enrich the information collected on you, as well as serve you with more relevant and targeted ads on the Property and elsewhere.
    - To receive Third Party’s services, such as fraud protection, bot detection, rating, analytics, viewability, geo location services, ad security and verification services.

Your rights and options

At any time, you may contact us and request to access the personal information that we keep about you. We may need to ask you to provide it with certain credentials to make sure that you are who you claim you are.
If you find that the information on your account is not accurate, complete or updated, then please provide us the necessary information to correct it.
At any time, you may contact us and request to access the personal information that we keep about you, and to verify the accuracy of the data.
If you’d like us to delete data that you have provided via the Property, please contact us and we will respond within a reasonable time after receiving your email.
Please be advised that we may retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with its legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

Last updated: 24.05.2018