Privacy & Security

What is our privacy policy?

Our company was founded by two former Deputy District Attorneys who take privacy and security very seriously. We know that protecting member privacy is essential to our success. Please take the time to review our complete Privacy Agreement.

How secure is my credit card information?

We comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard with respect to the environments we use to process, store and transmit payment card information to ensure your credit card information is processed securely.

Are my transactions with you secure?

Yes. We endeavor to work only with stores providing high levels of security and using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Internet connections to protect the integrity of your transaction.

Will you sell information about me or my purchase habits?

No. For more detailed information, please review our privacy policy.

What are "cookies" and how do I enable them?

Cookies are simply text files that allow a site to recognize you when you return. This means you don’t have to log in again and again. Cookies used by Rakuten and our network of stores are completely safe, and they are enabled by default with most browsers.

Will I start receiving "spam" if I join?

No. We send two types of emails to our members: member-services emails required to maintain the program (such as Cash Back credits and payment notifications) and promotional emails featuring especially good offers. You may choose not to receive promotional emails at any time from your account page or by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in an email. We will not sell your information to any third party.
