KU Tech takes user privacy vary seriously. While using our products (including services), we may collect and use your relevant information in order to improve the quality of our apps; we will do everything in our power to protect your privacy, as long as it is within a reasonable business scope. We recommend that you read the “Privacy Policy” in detail to get an understanding of what type of information we collect, how we collect this information and how we use it. By using our products or services, you agree to the collection, storage and use of your information as long as it follows the context dictated here and the adherence of local laws and regulations.

We do not collect any personal information from unregistered users.

The information we collect includes: Any names, email addresses, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, uploaded profile photos or bank cards, etc. entered or filled in when you register for an account. The information collected When using “Share Photo Stream” or “Share” services.