MCTS Tracker itself does not use your identifying information in any way, and does not record any data up to and including: stops visited, routes planned, favorites, or any other in-app data that you could think of or generate.

All of that data is entirely local to your device, and has not and will not ever be transmitted or stored.

Analytics were previously recorded, but they were entirely anonymous and were only for tracking the installed app version. They are no longer collected however.

MCTS Tracker does however use Google's AdMob SDK to serve advertisements that might be relevant to you. AdMob uses an advertising identifier on the device, that is not tied to the specific user in any way, but rather a profile of the user's browsing interests. To opt out of this collection, please check the Ad ID Opt-Out setting in the app, and Google promises to not collect the advertising identifier. To view Google's privacy policy, please visit this link.

If you have any concerns about how your information is being used, please contact MCTS Tracker and someone will return your email as soon as is possible.

You should also be aware of the MCTS' privacy policy, which is a bit too legalese for my tastes.