If you set up an account while using the Apps, we will collect your contact details such as email address as well as other information you provide. Please note that you are not obligated to create an account to use our Apps, however, some features may only be available to users who create an account.

Shipping details & phone number

If you buy our products or services, we will collect your full name, the name of your company (if applicable), your postal address, email, and phone number.

Email, HUDWAY products used, queries, feedback & more
If you request customer support services for our products and/or services, we will collect Personal Information to enable us to provide customer support services to you, including your name, email address, and other information as applicable. We may also collect other information about HUDWAY products you own or Apps you use, such as the serial numbers, date of purchase, order details, and information related to a support or service issue, some of which might include Personal Information.

Location data & trip history
If you subscribe to HUDWAY navigation-related Apps and set up an account, HUDWAY may collect location data from your device as well as the history of your completed trips while using the Apps.

Call and Text Information
If you make a phone call or send a text message using the Products, we may collect information regarding the call or text, including Personal Information. This may include phone numbers, contact records, user IDs, message contents, and other Personal Information. We use this information to make calls or send messages to the person you want to contact. We do not record phone calls or store transcripts of your messages other than what is necessary to read them out to you or send them to your contacts.

Voice and Audio Information

Our Products may give you the ability to use your voice or recorded audio to control or use certain features. For example, you may record and send a voice message to others through the Products or use your voice to control certain features in the app. If you use these features we collect the voice and audio data as well as any information, including Personal Information, contained therein. We use this data to provide these voice features and to improve the Products.

Vehicle Onboard Data
If the Products is authorized to connect to a third party device which transfers data from your vehicle's onboard computer, we may collect that data for display or analysis to provide you future services. Make sure to review the third party device's terms of use and privacy policy carefully before connecting it to any of the Products.

Usage and Log Information

We collect information about your activity on our Products, such as service-related, diagnostic, and performance information. This includes information about how you use our Products, your settings, which features you use, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities. We use this usage information to constantly improve our Products and to provide customer support.

Any HUDWAY survey info you voluntarily provide

HUDWAY may collect Personal Information through surveys for market research purposes to gain a better understanding of our customers, to improve our products and services, and to develop new products and services. The information we collect in such instances depends on the survey, but might include your name, address, age, information about your use of our services and products and the like (whatever you submit to us voluntarily).

Info collected via technologies

As you navigate our Websites, certain Anonymous Information may also be collected passively, including your Internet protocol address, browser type, and operating system.

We also use cookies and data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of your visit and the information which you searched and viewed. We use this Anonymous Information to measure the traffic on our Websites and to help us make our Websites more useful.