As used in this Privacy Policy, "NULLAPP", "we", "us" or "our", "ours" refers to NULLAPP. For general information and additional privacy questions please feel free to contact us via [email protected].

What information do we collect?

We do not collect any user information however we are using 3rd-party services in our apps and games which may collect some information. Our apps/games may occasionally scan a list of installed applications on user device to detect which of our apps/games are installed so we can show an appropriate house ad. The list of apps is scanned offline - we do not send or collect this information.

3rd-party services used in our apps and games

We are using following 3rd-party services for tracking user installations so we can see how many users installed our app/game:

We are using following 3rd-party services for displaying ads in our apps/games:

Do we use cookies?

We do not use cookies in or apps/games however 3rd-party services may use them. Check out their privacy policies.